
The Restaurant

The restaurant offers the best of the local cuisine. You will meet Massimo, who was born in Umbria, and who is familiar with the traditional Italian cuisine. Trained in Spoleto to be a chef, he has gained experience in Italy and later worked in London, Paris and the Netherlands, refining his cuisine and giving it a contemporary take.

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You can trust his cooking skills and knowledge of fine wines to give you a taste of the good Italian life.
As many products as possible will come from region. The beef (Marchigiana), the milk and eggs come from our farm and the butter is made of our milk.
Typical products from the region are truffles, olive oil, salami, Marchigiana beef, wild asparagus, porcini mushrooms and pecorino cheese. Porchetta (roast pork from seasoned with wild herbs) is renowned.
We serve only wines from the Marche region.

Valdifiori 031
For guests who sleep at the agriturismo we provide the following services:
- Breakfast is served in the restaurant between 8.00 and 10.00 am.
- Dinner is served at 20.30 and the set menu includes an appetizer, a first dish, a second dish and dessert.